10 Tips to Help You Not Overeat

  • Try to eat something small before you go, like a snack
  • Drink a lot of water because it helps you get filled up more quickly
  • Still eat dessert, but do it in moderation to stop yourself from overeating
  • Try to eat healthier foods, so that if you eat a lot it’s healthy and share with others
  • Grab a smaller plate with a lot of food to trick your brain into thinking you’re indulging yourself
  • On your plate eat vegetables first then add protein and starch
  • When eating eat slowly to savor your food and to not engorge yourself
  • Get active after you eat to lose the calories you just ate by playing, running, or jogging
  • Follow these same tips for the day after to help out
  • If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation as well it because its fruit juices has a lot of calories

This article is neural and it is positive because it talks about a solution to a common problem people face over the holidays. I personally enjoy the food the most on holidays and these tips will help me stay safe and enjoy family time.

What will you do for the holidays? What is your favorite part of the holidays? What is your least favorite part of the holidays?